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Transpersonal Practitioners 

 Transpersonal Practitioners have either undertaken specialised training with the

Institute of Transpersonal Psychology:




They are External Transpersonal Practitioners, who have been selected due to their excellent skills and training, from outside of the ITP


(to apply please email



​Transpersonal Practitioners offer a unique approach to understanding and addressing mental and emotional well-being, which goes beyond traditional perspectives. Transpersonal psychology emphasises the exploration of spiritual, transcendent, and transformative aspects of human experience.


A Transpersonal Practitioner: 

  • Works with individuals, or groups of people to consider not only the presenting psychological symptoms but also their spiritual beliefs, existential concerns, and potential for personal growth and transformation. 

  • Facilitates exploration of spiritual experiences such as mystical experiences, spiritual awakening and other expanded states of consciousness. 

  • Supports those who are undergoing spiritual emergence or crisis – intense experiences of spiritual awakening or transformation which may be disorienting or distressing. 

  • Provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to navigate these experiences and integrate them into their lives in a healthy and balanced way. 

  • Helps individuals explore their inner selves, and identify their core values and beliefs. 

  • Explores  fundamental questions about life, death, meaning, and purpose, contribute to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the world. 

  • Recognises the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. And determines how psychological well-being is influenced by spiritual and existential dimensions. 





Transpersonal Practitioners are trained in the areas of:


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Evolved Responses 

Wellspring of


Science of Spirituality





Dual Brain Science is the investigation of the distinct roles and functions of the brain's hemispheres, recognising that the left and right hemispheres have different but complementary roles in cognition, emotion, and behaviour.
This area of study integrates Transpersonal Psychology and dual brain science, which bridges higher states of consciousness and spiritual experiences with the functional specialisation of the brain's hemispheres, culminating in Integrated Consciousness. This process provides a holistic understanding of human consciousness, which respects both the scientific and spiritual dimensions of transpersonal experiences. 



Evolved Responses - to Life & Death 


Evolved Responses relates to our physiological and psychological responses to our lives and our deaths. 

Biology is the study of life, including our survival response. The Polyvagal System, as part of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), is key to understanding the survival response. 


Thanatology is the study of death, including how we respond psychologically, socially, culturally, and spiritually. 

An Evolved Response towards Biology and Thanatology explores transcendent experiences, higher states of consciousness and the life-death continuum.


The exploration of Thanatology includes: 

Near-Death Experiences, which occur when a person who has been close to death, or has even clinically died has moved into a realm of peace and joy - (for more information: or

Shared Death Experiences, which occur when somebody is close to death and a caregiver, family member, friend or even just a bystander reports that they sense certain phenomena which is outside of our daily understanding, such as sensing a different energy in the room, visions of deceased people coming to collect the dying person, or even angels or cosmic beings, come to escort the dying person as they transition beyond this life  - (for more information:



Science of Spirituality 


Spirituality can refer to aligning with a Christian life, living intentionally in relationship with God.

Spirituality can also refer to a more broad-based belief system, feeling a connection to something beyond ourselves, beyond materiality.  The Science of Spirituality section investigates the neurological, physiological, and psychological underpinnings of spiritual experiences and examines the impact of spiritual practices on well-being, health, and cognitive functions.

Scientific research now demonstrates that people who feel themselves to be spiritual are less likely to feel depressed, and more likely to find a sense of meaning in their lives.

(See: How Spirituality Protects Your Brain From Despair - video link)



Wellspring of Modalities


The use of non-mainstream modalities within Transpersonal Psychology offers a broader and more inclusive range of psychospritual tools, which enables a deeper exploration of the human experience. They support holistic healing, and address the spiritual and transcendent aspects of life which are often overlooked in conventional mental healthcare provision. These Modalities include:

Expressive Arts



Philosophical Enquiry

Somatic Sensing

Jungian Active Imagination Method

Holotropic Breathwork

Plant medicine (Psilocybin)*



*Psilocybin experiences are proving to be extremely beneficial for many people. The British Transpersonal Association organise safe and legal retreats in The Netherlands. Strict screening is in place, and there is a minimum age of 28. 



​  2024

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