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The Workshop

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I know it can be difficult for teenagers to be excited about learning.  As parents and educators we want to see them exuding the joy and enthusiasm they had when they were four years old…but is this an impossible ask? 

I thought it was, after working with children from five to ten and seeing how curious they were about the world - and then working with older teenagers and witnessing the absence of curiosity and joy, this is concerning because of a fact about brain development - it is time sensitive:

  • The brains of adolescents are adaptable and malleable.  

  • However, there is an important brain developmental process called “Synaptic Pruning".

  • At age 12-14, pruning begins, synaptic connections are eliminated if under-used to make way for frequently used synapses.​

      (For more information see the Ted Video on the Neuroscience page)


Fortunately, I found the perfect way to ensure synaptic connections keep firing -

by incorporating the use of the following skill-set:  




  • First Principle Thinking

  • Big 5 Personality Traits

  • Game Theory

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  2021 Schedule 

"This programme sees articulate and motivated young people who have a mature attitude to their learning and development"

Education Scotland 

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January 11th 2021- The Evictor's Trial - ONLINE

Moderator: Diane Elliott, Location - Scotland

All Zoom calls with moderator will be held between 8am-2pm Pacific Time (due to moderator on UK time).

Week 1: 

  • Receive (by email) your character and overview information. 

  • Zoom call 1: Moderator directed call. Meet the whole team - up to 12 people aged between 14- 18.

  • Research your character, design character's personality from the Big 5 Personality traits (information provided).

  • All team players can supply up to 2 names for Jury Members (they must be willing to follow the case).

  • Zoom call 2: Moderator directed strategy call - meet with your own team - up to 6 people (PT - Prosecuting Team/DT - Defense Team).

  • Both teams send in progress reports for the Jury Members. 


Week 2:

  • Zoom strategy calls: Led by players. 

  • Demonstrate First Principle Thinking (information provided).

  • Analyze team strategy through Game Theory (information provided).

  • Zoom moderator separate calls to team PT & DT. 

  • Both teams send in progress reports for the Jury Members. 


Week 3: 

  • Zoom strategy calls: Led by players. 

  • Demonstrate First Principle Thinking (information provided).

  • Analyze team strategy through Game Theory (information provided).

  • Zoom moderator separate calls to team PT & DT. 

  • Both teams send in progress reports for the Jury Members. 


Week 4: 

  • Zoom call 1 - Trial - Present arguments - viewed by Jury Members. 

  • Zoom call 2 - Moderator led, present Jury Member votes and sentencing.

  • Students receive certificate of completion. 



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We are certain that this will be a memorable, joyful and meaningful experience for all participants. However, if for any reason there is a decision to leave the workshop by a participant, a full refund will be offered and an opportunity to re-take the workshop at another time. 

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